Welcome to biceps_cmdln’s documentation!

What is biceps_cmdln?

biceps_cmdln is a tool for calculating functional connectivity matrices from parcellated timeseries data. The tool is specifically designed for individuals who already have fMRI data that has been (1) denoised, (2) projected into a parcellated cifti space, (3) concatenated [in the case where multiple versions of a run type exist], and (4) formatted using general BIDS Derivatives principles.

Further, because this tool makes use of certain assumptions about the formatting of input data - using this pipeline is only recommended if you are using tools developed by the DCAN group at the University of Minnesota to denoise and parcellate your fMRI data.

biceps_cmdln is specifically designed to calculate functional connectivity matrices for a group of individuals. With this in mind, it is easiest to use the tool once all of the data for your study has been acquired and processed. When you run biceps_cmdln, the tool will first evaluate which subjects and sessions have sufficient data for calculating functional connectivity matrices. For each subject and session where there is enough data, each run will have three types of functional connectivity matrices that are generated for a given parcellation. The remaining three matrices will differ by the number of frames used to generate the underlying matrices. The three types are:

  • MaxIndividual - where all good frames that an individual has will be used to construct connectivity matrix.

  • MinGroup - where only the minimum requirement for number of frames will be used. For example if 5 min is required and the TR is 2 seconds, only 150 frames (30*5) will be used for each run.

  • MaxGroup - where the maximum number of frames are used that allows for a consistent number of frames across runs. For example if the worst run in the group has 160 frames, then 160 frames will be used as a threshold for all other runs in the study.

From the above description it is seen that the MaxGroup type connectivity matrices will change as a function of which runs are included in the study. In general, the results of biceps_cmdln are generally expected to change upon reprocessing even if the same runs are given as input. This is expected behavior because the individual frames in the MinGroup and MaxGroup cases will be randomly selected among high quality frames for a given run.

Beyond calculating functional connectivity matrices based on .ptseries.nii files, biceps_cmdln can also be used to calculate .dconn.nii files from .dtseries.nii files. Because the file selection algorithm behind biceps_cmdln utilizes .ptseries.nii files to operate, both .ptseries.nii files and .dtseries.nii files must be present for every subject if you want to calculate so-called “dense” connectivity matrices. During this procedure the same temporal mask that determines which frames will be included/excluded for calculating connectivity matrices from .ptseries.nii files will also be applied to the .dtseries.nii file. See “Calculating Dense Connectivity Matrices” section for more details.

Downloading biceps_cmdln

Singularity Container

It is recommended that users run biceps_cmdln as a singularity image. This means that the user must have singularity installed on their system. Using a singularity image ensures that the user doesn’t have to have Matlab or HCP Connectome Workbench tools installed on their system. To download the container, go to the DCAN Labs docker hub page and download the most recent version of biceps_cmdln. When building the image on your local machine, ensure that you have 100gb of /tmp space before initiating the build process. If you are building biceps_cmdln within a SLURM job at UMN, you can use the following code to request appropriate resources:

$ srun -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=1  --tmp=100g --mem-per-cpu=30g -t 5:00:00 -p interactive --pty bash

Then to build the image run:

$ singularity pull docker://dcanumn/biceps_cmdln:1.8

The previous command may take up to 3 hours to run and will result in a new .sif file being created in your current working directory.


Alternatively, it is possible to clone the github repository for biceps_cmdln. If you choose to interact with biceps_cmdln in this way, you will want to have matlab and the HCP Conectome Workbench tools first installed on your system. After you start up Matlab go to the biceps_cmdln folder and add all files (recursively) to the matlab path. Then you should be able to type “biceps_cmdln” and to run the application in a similar fashion to what is described in the following sections, using the same flags. Importantly, biceps_cmdln assumes that the path to HCP Connectome Workbench tools are at a specific path within the container and this path will no longer be correct. So when running biceps_cmdln you will either want to edit the default wb_command path within the biceps_cmdln function or use the “wb_command_path” flag to provide a new path to wb_command whenever running the application. Also if you want to use biceps_cmdln in the GUI mode, then you will need to edit the field handles.paths.wb_command within the settings_make_par_env.m script. It is not recommended that you run biceps_cmdln directly in Matlab. Rather it is recommended that you only use the singularity code to run biceps_cmdln.

Ways of running biceps_cmdln

Starting biceps_cmdln as GUI application

It is still possible to run biceps as a GUI application, which supports legacy application of biceps_cmdln’s parent tool “BICEPS”. Full documentation of the BICEPS GUI can be seen here. Because singularity containers are only able to look at paths that are specified by the user at the time the container is ran, it is still necessary to “bind” the input and output directories where any data is stored prior to running biceps_cmdln. Also be sure to bind the directory containing the file list that will be grabbed to run processing. Binding the directory with the file list is required both so that desired file list can be read, and because by default the GUI application will save the list of subjects that met processing requirements to the same directory where the file list was taken from (note, this is not necessary for command line driven processing). In most cases we choose to replace the actual paths to a given folder with a shorter/easier to interpret name during the binding process. In this case, the input data directory is bound with its original name so that the file list (which points to paths within the input directory) will not need to be modified. Note that we also provide the current environmental display variable to the container. This is necessary for the GUI windows to be visible on your current display. This is only necessary for when you want to use BICEPS in the interactive legacy mode. Example:

$ input_denoised_dir=/path/to/fmri/processing_output/
$ biceps_output_dir=/path/to/directory/for/biceps/output/
$ folder_with_file_list=/path/to/folder/containing/file/list/
$ container_path=/path/to/biceps/singularity/container.sif
$ singularity run --cleanenv \
    -B /path/to/fmri/processing_output/:/path/to/fmri/processing_output/ \
    -B $biceps_output_dir:/output \
    -B $folder_with_file_list:/file_list_dir \

Running biceps_cmdln using an input folder with processed fmri data

The recommended way of running biceps_cmdln is to have a directory of processed fMRI data that is formatted roughly as “BIDS Derivatives”. The exact formatting requirements can be seen later in this document. During processing, the user is able to pass an input and output directory, and biceps_cmdln will identify which data to process based on organizational assumptions. The code to run this is as follows:

$ input_denoised_dir=/path/to/fmri/processing_output/
$ biceps_output_dir=/path/to/directory/for/biceps/output/
$ container_path=/path/to/biceps/singularity/container.sif
$ singularity run --cleanenv \
    -B $input_denoised_dir:/input \
    -B $biceps_output_dir:/output \
    $container_path /input \
    -out_dir /output

Running biceps_cmdln using an input folder with processed fmri data + making dconns

If you also want to make dconn images, you will need to set the “-make_dense_conns” flag to 1, and bind your home directory to the container. Binding your home directory is necessary because some intermediate files will get written to this location. Otherwise the syntax is exactly the same as what is described in the previous section. After processing you will see the dense connectivity files under the general BIDS derivatives formatting structure laid out later in this document. Example code:

$ input_denoised_dir=/path/to/fmri/processing_output/
$ biceps_output_dir=/path/to/directory/for/biceps/output/
$ container_path=/path/to/biceps/singularity/container.sif
$ singularity run --cleanenv \
    -B $input_denoised_dir:/input \
    -B $biceps_output_dir:/output \
    -B /home/{insert_group_name}/{insert_user_name}:/home/{insert_group_name}/{insert_user_name} \
    $container_path /input \
    -out_dir /output -make_dense_conns 1

Running biceps_cmdln using an input file list pointing to sessions

If you have a directory with processed fMRI data and you want to exclude one or more subjects or sessions from biceps_cmdln processing, then you may want to run biceps_cmdln by passing the tool a file list instead of a derivative folder. This file list should be a plain text file having one entry per line, where each line points to a session directory that should be included in biceps_cmdln attempts to calculate functional connectivity matrices.

One line of this file is likely to look something like: /study_dir/sub-01/ses-01/

When running processing, you will want to remember to bind the input directory where the processed fmri data is stored, the output directory where results will be stored, and the path to the file list. Importantly, if the binding of the input directory changes what the container thinks the paths to the input files are, then this difference should be reflected in the file list. So the example line listed above might instead need to be something like: /input/sub-01/ses-01

If the input file list refers to data from multiple input directories, then be sure to bind each input directory to a unique name in the container.

Example code for base case of using file list to run biceps_cmdln:

$ input_denoised_dir=/path/to/fmri/processing_output/
$ biceps_output_dir=/path/to/directory/for/biceps/output/
$ file_list=/path/to/file_list.txt
$ container_path=/path/to/biceps/singularity/container.sif
$ singularity run --cleanenv \
    -B $input_denoised_dir:/input \
    -B $biceps_output_dir:/output \
    -B $file_list:/file/list.txt \
    $container_path /file/list.txt \
    -out_dir /output

Organization requirements for running biceps_cmdln

It is important to remember that all of these requirements need to be satisfied for you to be able to use biceps_cmdln. If they are not satisfied, you may consider reformatting your data to meet current pipeline requirements or using a different pipeline to calculate connectivity matrices.

  1. General BIDS Derivatives structure with session folders.

  • For biceps_cmdln to be able to parse files correctly there needs to first be a BIDS Derivatives-like study folder. This study folder should contain different subject folders. Below each subject folder it is required for there to be session folders and then func folders containing denoised fMRI data. While it is generally BIDS acceptable for data to be organized either with or without a session structure, biceps_cmdln requires there to be a session structure. An example of the file structure for a given subject and session may look like:


  1. ptseries.nii files for each subject/session.

  • Each session and subject that will be processed should have at least one file with extension “ptseries.nii”. The ptseries file must have a key-value pair such as “_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_” in the name. The underscores, roi key, and dash will let biceps_cmdln figure out which parcellations are available in the input dataset. For each parcellation scheme biceps_cmdln will calculate a set of connectivity matrices.

  1. Files with signal variance information.

  • For every concatenated run that is to be processed, the user should have a file with naming ending in “_variance.txt”, where the beginning of the file name has the subject and session name, along with the task identifier (i.e. task-rest). There should be one entry at each row referring to the signal’s ________. This file will be screened for frames that are more than 3 scaled median absolute deviations from the sample median. If the “_variance.txt” files can not be found within the subject/session/func folders, the user can provide a new folder that solely contains these files (one for each run to be processed) at the base level of the directory. This directory can be passed to biceps_cmdln via the custom_dtvar_folder argument. Note - even if the user does not want to remove outliers (i.e. if outlier flag is given a value of 0), these “_variance.txt” files must still be provided during processing.

  1. A biceps_cmdln compatible file with motion and TR information.

  • For every concatenated run that is to be processed, the user should have a file with naming ending in “_mask.mat”, where the beginning of the file name has the subject and session name, along with the task identifier (i.e. task-rest). This file should be a matlab compatible object that has information about which frames are high moton and also what the TR is of the scan.



input - if not provided, biceps_cmdln will open to the GUI. If provided this can either be a file list or path to a study directory that should be parsed.

Flag Key/Value Pairs:

Each of the following arguments are formatted as key/value pairs where the flag should always be followed a value describing what action should be applied with the given flag.

-out_dir: string. Path to where BICEPS output should be stored. Default option is in current working directory. Remember to bind this path if using the singularity version of the tool.

-save_bids: int. Set to a positive number if you want the output to be saved in BIDS on top of standard BICEPS output format. Default is to not save in this way.

-attempt_pconn: int. Set to positive value if you want BICEPS to try making .pconn.nii files out of the generated connectivity matrices. Default = 0. By activating this argument, -save_bids will also be activated.

-save_timeseries: int. Set to positive value if you want to save the timeseries. The saved timeseries will only be propogated to the outputs with standard formatting, not the BIDS formatted outputs.

-fd: float. The framewise displacement threshold in mm, default value 0.2.

-n_skip_vols: int. The number of frames to skip at the beginning of every scan. Default is 5. Remember - if you are working with concatenated runs, this will only remove frames from the first run in the concatenated series.

-minutes: float. The minimum amount of data a subject must have to be included in processing, measured in minutes. Default value = 8 min. To convert frames to time, the tool will extract TR from input metadata (file ending in “_mast.mat”).

-outlier: int. Set to positive value if you want to remove outliers based on signal variability, default 1.

-validate_frame_counts: int. Set to a positive value if you want to validate that all runs have the same number of frames. Defaults to 0.

-wb_command_path: string. Set the path to wb_command from HCP. By default BICEPS will try to find this path on its own.

-make_dense_conns: int. Set to positive number to make dconn files from dtseries. Note - you must have corresponding ptseries files for this to work. The output dconn files will have the same temporal masking as the pconn files. By activating this argument, -save_bids will also be activated.

-dtseries_smoothing: float. The amount of smoothing to use, for both surface and volume space, in millimeters (sigma of gaussian kernel). This only is used if -make_dense_conns flag is activated.

-left_hem_surface: string. The path to the left hemisphere to use for smoothing. If -dtseries_smoothing > 0 and no input is provided here, smoothing will use the default fslr midthicknes file stored in BICEPS. It is better for this to point to the actual midthickness file for a given subject. If that is the case, processing can only occur one subject at a time since it is only possible to give inputs for one surface.

-right_hem_surface: string. The path to the right hemisphere to use for smoothing. See description from left_hem_surface for more info.

-custom_dtvar_folder: string. If flag is used BICEPS will accept the path to a folder where all dtvariance files are found directly within the folder specified (i.e. NOT BIDS organized)

Expected Outputs

Standard Formatting

biceps_cmdln will produce two output directories within the parent output directory. The first directory will be under the user specified output directory and named “standard”. Under “standard” will be a folder named “Functional” and underneath that will be a folder whose name varies based on the settings used to run biceps_cmdln. Underneath that folder will be one folder for each parcellation present in the input dataset. The overall contents of this “standard” folder will look something like:

  • ── Functional
    • ── list_with_variance_MCMethod_power_2014_FD_only_FD_th_0_20_min_frames_600_skip_frames_5_TRseconds_0_80
      • ── frame_removal_mask.mat

      • ── Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries.ptseries
        • ── fconn_600_frames.mat

        • ── fconn_820_frames.mat

        • ── fconn_all_surv_frames.mat

        • ── raw_timecourses.mat

      • ── HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries.ptseries
        • ── fconn_600_frames.mat

        • ── fconn_820_frames.mat

        • ── fconn_all_surv_frames.mat

        • ── raw_timecourses.mat

In the example above, we see how the folder below “Functional” contains infomation relevant to the current processing, such as the minimum frames requirement, the TR, and the FD threshold.

In addition to these files there will be file list of subjects that were included in processing. This file will generally be directly under the output directory (meaning adjacent to “standard”), and have one line for each subject that was included in processing. Additionally if the user provided biceps_cmdln with a folder to process instead of a file list, there will be a file named “biceps_file_list.txt” that displays all the subjects/sessions that were candidates for processing. The difference between the two file lists is that the first list excludes subjects that didn’t have the prerequisite number of frames for processing. The exception to this file layout is if the GUI form of biceps_cmdln was used to initiate processing. In the case the GUI is used, the copy of the list describing which files were used in processing will instead be found in the same directory as the file list that was selected by the GUI at the beginning of processing.

The files outlined in the chart above will have the following structure. For all instances where there are “n” dimensions representing some number of subjects/sessions that were included in processing, the ordering of those n subjects will be the same as listed in the output file list described in the last paragraph. | * frame_removal_mask.mat: This is a matlab file with variable “mask” representing a cell array

with shape <n,3> where n is the number of sessions that had runs meeting the minimum processing requirements, and 3 represents the different temporal masking options (MaxIndividual, MaxGroup, then MinGroup, respectively). Mask values are 1 for included frames and 0 for excluded frames.

  • fconn_all_surv_frames.mat: A matlab file with variable “fconn”. fconn is a three dimensional array with shape <m,m,n> where m is the number of regions in the parcellation and n is the number of of subjects. The frames used to create these connectivity matrices is found in the <:,1>th entries of the frame_removal_mask file. There will be one of these files generated for each parcellation that was used during processing.

  • fconn_820_frames.mat: Same structure as fconn_all_surv_frames.mat. Now the mask entries used to generate these matrices can be found in the <:,2>th entries. The exact name of this type of file will change based on your dataset. This file represents the “MaxGroup” type of frame sampling.

  • fconn_600_frames.mat: Same structure as fconn_all_surv_frames.mat. Now the mask entries used to generate these matrices can be found in the <:,3>th entries. The exact name of this type of file will change based on your dataset. This file represents the “MinGroup” type of frame sampling.

  • raw_timecourses.mat: This file will only be created when the save_timeseries flag is set to 1. If generated, the matlab file will have one variable named raw_tc. raw_tc will be a <n,1> cell array for n subjects that were processed. Each cell array element represents a <m,p> matrix where m is the number of regions in a parcellation and p is the number of frames in the scan.

BIDS formatting

If the option save_bids is enabled during processing, there will also be a “bids” folder that will be made under the output directory adjacent to the “standard” directory described in the last section. Under the “bids” folder will be subject, session, and func folders, followed by specific files for a given session that were generated during processing. An example of a subject folder structure under “bids” is seen below. For each parcellation there will be files for the three different frame sampling schemes, and at minimum .mat and .json files containing the underlying connectivity data and the settings used to generate those connectivity estimates, respectively. If the setting “-attempt_pconn” is enabled, biceps_cmdln will also attempt to create files with a similar name ending “.pconn.nii” that can be used to visualize connectivity data within HCP workbench tools.

All the .mat files will contain an “ind_fconn” variable that is <m,m>, where m is the number of regions in the parcellation.

The json files corresponding to a given .mat file will have metadata including the subject/session info, the frames used during processing, the total number of included and excluded frames, along with processing details like the framewise displacement threshold, and number of skip volumes applied at the beginning of the scan.

Finally if the “-make_dense_conns” argument is enabled, scrubbed timeseries files ending in “.dtseries.nii” and connectivity matrices ending in “.dconn.nii” will be created. If a smoothing kernel is specified during processing the level of smoothing will be reflected in the name of both dense cifti files. Because all arguments/frames used for processing the parcellated connectivity matrices will be propogated to the processing of the dense files, the json files created for the parcellated connectivity matrices can be used to view the processing settings that were used for constructing the dense files.

  • ── sub-01
    • ── ses-01
      • ── func
        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-Gordon2014FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.json

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.mat

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_frames-MinGroup_bold_roi-HCP2016FreeSurferSubcortical_timeseries_desc-conn.pconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MaxGroup_bold_timeseries.dtseries.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MaxGroup_bold_timeseries_desc-conn.dconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_timeseries.dtseries.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MaxIndividual_bold_timeseries_desc-conn.dconn.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MinGroup_bold_timeseries.dtseries.nii

        • ── sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_smoothing-15mm_frames-MinGroup_bold_timeseries_desc-conn.dconn.nii


If you see the text listed below after starting up the containerized version of biceps_cmdln and after several minutes no additional text has appeared, it is possible that the cache directory created by matlab compiler runtime in your home directory is preventing the application from moving forward. In this case look for a folder like /home/{InsertGroup}/{InsertUser}/.mcrCache9.12/ and delete it from your system. Alternatively you should be able to export a new MCR_CACHE_ROOT path to the container during processing, and this may also solve the issue.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/mcr_path/v912/runtime/glnxa64:/mcr_path/v912/bin/glnxa64:/mcr_path/v912/sys/os/glnxa64:/mcr_path/v912/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64